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Child Nutrition Master Class
Convert Your Picky Eaters into Healthy Eaters
Receive tips and recipe ideas to help with the eating game!

Presented by Board Certified Analyst
& Youth Nutrition Coach
Your kids will benefit from a healthy, balanced nutritional foundation as they grow.
Have a Coach at your Fingertips

Learn ways to educate and encourage your children to eat well and increase their knowledge in nutrition while limiting a food fight.
Be empowered with strategies that support a positive approach to nutrition that will serve you and your children long term.
Did your picky eaters turn you into a short order cook?
Are you faced with a “food fight” or the “I don’t like that” even before they take their first bite?
Do your kid's food preferences change day to day and you can’t keep up?
We will help you set up a healthy and balanced nutritional foundation and through our education, we will assist you to encourage your children to eat well while limiting the food fight!


Ready to learn and change your children's lifestyle?

Get tried and transformative recipes to bolster your kids selection of foods

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