Ask Something: Never question the crowd's wisdom. When you find a group of people who are all on the same journey as you there is no need to spend hours online researching things- just ask. Odds are whatever you are doing, someone else has already done. Don't reinvent the wheel if someone already has one working perfectly! Just search through the answers for the one that works for you.
Return The Favor: If you have some wisdom to share, say it! If someone asks a question don't be afraid to share what has worked for you. From recommendations on recipes to picking the best water bottles the people in the KKW Member Room are asking for help. Give them a hand!
Vent When You Need Your Tribe: When you walk into the break room and find two dozen doughnuts and the smell of pizza wafting through the air your co-workers are not going to be likely to encourage you to eat your prepped food. Jump in the KKW Member Room and ask for help! You will get almost instant messages back from others who have been in your same situation and will help you stay strong.
Use the Recipe Files: One of the biggest assets of the KKW Member Room are the recipe files. When you want to try something new or need a healthier recipe to take to a party you have over 100 recipes to quickly look through and choose. All are KKW Approved and have the macro information you need to make good decisions. You can find them under "files" on the left hand side.
Love The Blog: While the room is full of videos (see the schedule below) we also publish blog posts two days a week. And the KKW Member Room is where those links go first. So even if you don't have a coach cheering you on live that day you can find information they have spent valuable time writing to educate and encourage you!
Enter The Give Aways and Contests: Like free stuff? Enjoy shopping with coupons? Coach Kelly Killen is always giving away swag and offering discounts to KKW Members. Take advantage!
Find Your Meme: One of my favorite things about the KKW Member Room are the memes people post. Some are funny, some are inspirational but most are thought provoking. And they are all for you to check out in the photos file. You can put them somewhere you can see them if you need inspiration!
Here are some of my recent favorites:

See Normal People Steps Ahead of and Behind You: Progress pictures are one of the biggest indicators of success. And few things encourage me more to stay on track than seeing someone who has lost a tremendous amount of weight by eating healthy, whole foods and exercising. The same inspiration can come from someone who is brand new and in that exciting honeymoon phase with weight loss. You can scroll through the page and see pictures of people celebrating their anniversaries one year apart with a 30 pound weight loss. None of them are super heroes, just people making little decisions every day that add up to big success. Use those stories as fuel to move forward!
Know The Schedule: Our KKW Member page has a very strict schedule so that you have an opportunity to see a coach almost every day of the week on this page.
Kelly Killen – “Killen it with Killen Thursday @ 7pm- a behavioral topic announced and chiming in with other hot topics as needed. Kelly does a product review live/posted every Wednesday.
Kelsey L Robarts – “Kelsey’s Kitchen” product review / Sunday evenings between 8-9 PM.
Kayla Hartline – every other Friday quick tips and Lifestyle Hacks at 11 AM!
LaKeisha Parrott Kanen – Konnecting with Keisha every other Tuesday evening at 8 PM.
Chelsey Creswell – “No Bull Mondays” – “start your week off right” / Mondays 10 AM. Medical education as needed
Jodi Sheakley-Wright Ocb Pro- “Wright sized Wednesdays” lifestyle topics / Wednesdays @ 9:30am (ex. “No excuse zone”)
Brandy Flotten – “Meal Prep Monday” / Mondays @ 8 PM
Jennifer Ratcliffe - Wednesday afternoon live mid week motivation at 4 PM.
Heather Unger- Every other Tuesday evenings at 8 PM. - Healing with Heather. Gut health issues, products to support gut health and more!
Amanda Turner - Food for Thought Fridays at 2:30 PM to set your thoughts and plans for the weekend of success in unstructured territory.
Sue Palko coming September 2019- Join Coach Sue on SOS Saturdays “ Save OUR Success”. Do not let your weekend be YOUR Weak end! Coming on live or taped every other Saturday at 10 AM
Don't miss your opportunity to grow! Get your money's worth from the KKW Member Page!