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How to stay on track with your goals while on vacation!

First things first - you are NOT going to lose all progress in 1 week from vacation. 


If you are worried about ONE WEEK out of the FIFTY-TWO weeks out of the year… we need to take a good look at what our everyday life is looking like. 


If you’re on a weight loss journey or wanting to start your weight loss journey soon but are getting tripped up over being out of your routine for a week - DM me asap, boo. 


To see minimal fat gain on vacation while still enjoying yourself - 


1. Reframe your thinking. Don’t focus on what you CAN’T have, rather what you CAN have that is going to make you FEEL your best! ✨💕 


2. Know that you are what you do MOST OF THE TIME. Having a few drinks on vacation and then getting right back to your regular scheduled programming…. It’s not gonna stick! Allow yourself to have 1 or 2 of those frozen high calorie drinks (my fav is pina coladas, hehe) and the rest could be lower calorie drinks like vodka soda and lime, seltzers, light beers. Drink water in between and ENOY your time! 


3. Crowd your body with high protein meals, fruits, and veggies. Allow yourself to have some treats, but stick to the one-plate rule! Especially at an all-you-can-eat/drink cruise or resort. Have one plate of all the fun, yummy things you want and move on! Stop when around 80% satisfied and get back to your day! Who wants to feel miserable from a ton of fried foods, etc.  Focus on how you FEEL and how you will feel after eating XYZ. 


4. Prioritize movement!! Being on vacation and just chillinnnn on the beach and drinking causes our daily activity to go way down. Making it a non-negotiable to find a gym, a path to walk on/beach walk, some type of intentional exercise will keep that habit in place so when you get home - it’s easier to get right back into your workout routine. Plus, it sets the tone for the day if you get it done in the morning ANNNNDDDD promotes healthy digestion!!! 


5. Bring as much of your own food as you can. I always travel with my meal prep, dry oats, protein powder, protein bars, tuna packets, cheese sticks, rice cakes, fruit, nuts, crackers, hummus, etc.  You can get A LOT more than you think through TSA!! And let’s be real, who wants to pay $25 for an airport salad!! 


Set yourself up for success for when you come home! You likely will not want to prep or go to the grocery store when you come home, so making sure you have pre-measured meals in the freezer to get you through the next few days will allow you to seamlessly get right back on track! 


Bottom line - picking and choosing when to spend your treats and when to eat your clean food is key. 


For me, I’d rather spend my treat meal on the beach with my husband rather than fast food while en route to where we are going. I can also choose to control breakfast and set my day up with a solid amount of protein (my protein oaties come with me everywhere!!) to keep my cravings at bay and allow me to make better choices throughout the day! 


Whatever you choose for vacation, you need to be at peace with the results you will come back with. You are in full control. It may take some extra prepping and planning, but it can be done! This is where hiring a coach comes in handy - our team is here to help you navigate all of your summer travels!! 


Lifelong weight loss solutions

through behavior modification ™



Health/Wellness coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health/wellness coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals and or recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals.

KKWellness Consulting
KKWellness Consulting

KK Wellness Consulting  LLC

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