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Overcoming Setbacks: How to Stay on Track with Your Health Goals When Progress Stalls

This morning, I had a particularly difficult ride on my horse, and I found myself reflecting on the past few days watching the Olympics, following the stories of the athletes, celebrating hard earned victories and also witnessing devastating endings to years of hard work and dedication.

Not every day is going to be perfect. Not every week you're going to lose weight, the measurements are not going to go down each time you take them. You're going to forget to prep food, screw up your macros, overindulge a few times and when these things happen, you're going to want to quit.

In the moment our emotions will get the best of us if we are not careful, we cultivate a narrative that's built on frustrations in the moment without taking a step back and considering the progress made, and the goal at hand. Sometimes we even quit and justify it with a reason that's good enough to satisfy our ego.

In our personal endeavors, careers, and anywhere where we're learning a new skill or trying to progress there will be challenges. Olympic athletes are elite, and you may feel it's a stretch to compare your missed meal prep to falling short of an Olympic gold, but the principle is the not let a missed landing, a fall, a mistake or a 7th place finish write your overall narrative.

Keep a bigger perspective and keep going forward ❤️

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